The training of new employees of the company was successfully concluded

时间:2021-09-30Source: Organization Personnel Department

  On the afternoon of September 30, the company held a training and completion ceremony for new employees。Zhou Yu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of the company attended and made a speech。

  Zhou Yu requires that new employees should seriously learn to understand Chairman Cao Jie's opening class mobilization speech and enter the work role as soon as possible。It is necessary to bear in mind the essential attribute that state-owned enterprises are subordinate to the Party, speak politics clearly, be loyal to the Party, have firm faith, and carry out work in strict accordance with the requirements of Party discipline and regulations。Zhou Yu stressed that we should bear in mind the company's responsibilities and missions, strengthen confidence in development, strengthen learning, have the courage to practice, do solid work, do results, and achieve self-value in the struggle。It is necessary to take harmony, solidarity, friendship and cooperation as the most basic requirement, create a strong, united and forging ahead, common development of the talent team, and create a serious, tense, united, lively, and clean atmosphere。

  The training for new employees began on September 28 and lasted for three days, ending on the afternoon of September 30。主要课程是:学习贯彻习近平总书记“七一”重要讲话精神和考察安徽重要讲话指示精神专题培训,以及审计、党风廉政建设、法律事务、公文写作、保密和2024欧洲杯买球平台有关制度等内容。During the study, I also organized a visit to the Anhui Innovation Museum。At the completion ceremony, the new employees signed the "Commitment to clean Employment" and "Confidentiality Agreement", and two representatives exchanged speeches。